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First Defense®
Tri-Shield™ Brochure

“At ImmuCell, our culture is to be bold but in a real-world, farm kid kind of way. This brochure nailed it with simple but hard-hitting content and interesting, emotion-evoking imagery.”
- Bobbi Brockmann, Vice President of Sales & Marketing

When you’re launching your first new product in 20 years, you want collateral with stopping power. ImmuCell issued the challenge for First Defense® Tri-Shield, and we accepted. Another boring brochure destined for the trash? Not on our watch.

Stopping power starts with strong visuals, so that’s where we began. We leveraged imagery from ImmuCell’s “Be a Calf Hero” campaign to draw attention, then hit the reader with powerful copy and infographics. If you only had time for a quick glance, it was enough.

A standard brochure doesn’t create buzz. But, this brochure was far from standard. Veterinarians, producers and animal health distributors raved about it. We saw brochure screenshots on Facebook. We heard distributors calling it the most impactful piece of collateral they had ever seen. Mission accomplished.

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