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H is for Haley, but it also stands for…
Hungry (for Pizza)

Haley Reeson


A cow lover, barn cat aficionado and a one liner champion, Haley brings a fresh eye for exciting, adaptable content. Whitty, clever copy inspires her to craft fun content that’s up-to-cluck.

At a young age, Haley’s passion for ag sparked in the twinkle of her first show calf’s eyes – and she hasn’t looked back. She was an active 4-H’er, served as the Green County Dairy Princess and spent 10 years parading her dairy cattle across the show ring. (Psst! Brown Swiss are her favorite.)

Haley earned a degree in PR and advertising at UW Oshkosh. It only took her three days in a dorm to realize her heart belongs to animal agriculture and southern Wisconsin. After five years away, Haley is happy to be right at home (cue the cowbells) at Filament!

We know Haley’s work jam is whipping up animal puns. But when Haley isn’t in the office you can catch her eating copious amounts of sushi, (re)watching One Tree Hill or trying to convince her fiancé that they NEED a donkey in their life.

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